Specialist in clinical and health psychology, psychotherapy and psychological coaching
I was born in Lisbon, live and work in Oeiras and chose the human mind and communication as objects of study. I enjoy walking, meditating and traveling. Books and music are my road companions, like series and podcasts. I am interested in conscious lifestyles and ways of relating to others and technology.
In clinical practice, which I practice in the private sector, I use a model geared towards body-mind well-being. In behavioral journalism, I try to approach topics that interest everyone in a simple language. I value sustainable community projects and defend that life is what we make of it every moment.
Academic credentials
After graduating in Social Psychology at Lisbon University, in 1987, I entered the job market as a training professional in Câmara Municipal de Lisboa. A year after, I embraced Journalism. My MA thesis, in Health Psychology, at ISPA – Instituto Universitário, focused on Stress Perception and Resistance and its Impact on Journalists’ Health (2001).
Professional journalist since 1988, I write about behavior, health and technology for Visão newsmagazine. Into clinic practice for nearly two decades, I’m a member of Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses and AP - Associação Portuguesa de Psicanálise e Psicoterapia Psicanalítica, in whose where I published Identidade: Estrangeiro.
Co-author of Vencer nos Exames, a book addressed to high school students. Certified in Family Constellations, Clinical Hypnosis (London College / LCCH) and Desensitization and Reprocessing. I published the article EMDR as an effective therapeutic tool in Burnout treatment EMDR no Burnout in Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia (2015).
Registered EuroPsy Psychologist by the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA)
Professional Affiliations
Inscrita na Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, com as Especialidades de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, Psicoterapia e Coaching Psicológico
Membro credenciado da AP, Associação Portuguesa de Psicanálise e Psicoterapia Psicanalítica Um dos trabalhos académicos, Identidade: Estrangeiro foi publicado na Revista "Se… Não…” da AP.
Registered EuroPsy Psychologist pela European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA)
Certificada pela Entidade Reguladora da Saúde E152766
Collaborations in Congresses and Programs
- “A presença mediada pela tecnologia”, Congresso Psicanálise e Crise, ISPA - Instituto Universitário, 2020
- “À distância de um like: os dilemas da identidade e interação digitais”, Congresso Psicanálise Clínica e Aplicada, ISPA - Instituto Universitário, 2019
- Snapchat e a Geração Millennial, Programa Central Parque, RTP3, 2016
- O Lugar do Storytelling na Sociedade Tecnológica - Encontros da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicossomática, 2016
- O Impacto da Tecnologia no Quotidiano - Conferência TalkABit, 2015
Media career
Iniciei funções como jornalista profissional em 1988, na TSF. Fiz parte da TVI desde a primeira emissão e fui colaboradora da revista Máxima.
Há quase vinte anos que concilio a prática clínica com o exercício do jornalismo na Revista VISÃO (desde 1999). Consultar Entrevistas e Artigos AQUI
Em 2008 fui coautora do livro Vencer nos Exames.
Em 2018 ganhei o Prémio de Jornalismo - Viver com Doença Mental, atribuído pela Angelini Pharma, com o artigo jornalístico “Os miúdos não estão bem”
Understanding my history
When I came to a major block due to unresolved anxieties, Dra Clara helped me through a process of discovering my deep issues. The process was not easy or short but her support, empathy, clarity, remarkable memory and insight helped me to state out loud the narrative I had been telling myself, and to then begin telling it in a restorative way.
Maria - Artist
Professionalism and competence
There was a time in my life when I was lacking a sense of direction and unable to look at my path from different angles. I needed focus and objectivity, I looked for a therapist. In my search I found you, Clara Soares. Although I can´t evaluate the method from a technical point of view, in your professionalism and skills I encountered the human being I was looking for. Thank you so much.
Pedro C. - 39 years, artist
Gets the heart of the issues
Clara Soares is a free mind that sees beyond. It captures the heart of the issues very well. Her therapeutic approach addresses, providing a balm at the same time. All this has a clear intention: to offer relief with a renewed hope in the future and – what´s essential to me – without creating ‘prisoners’.
Patrícia M. - 44 years, living abroad
It´s worth it
When my doctor suggested I needed psychotherapy to reduce anxiety levels and deal with panic attacks, I started going to sessions although being doubtful. The experience was a few years ago and, after all, it was worth it: I felt better, I no longer take painkillers and I live a normal life, without fearing the worst or being paralyzed.
Paulo V. - 54 years, banking professional